
Checking Off the Boxes

Last weekend the barracks shop opened! Here's a glimpse of my display:

Cast-iron trellises + a coffee table + a folding patio table = DONE.

I'm pleased by the end result. Had I more time and cash, the display would be a bit smoother, but heck, for under $70, it looks pretty good! The shop is open 7 days a week, 10am-5pm (you should check it out).

After that went up, I jetted off to my family for the weekend. I worried about getting work done, but relaxing was priority and relax I did. Things are just starting to get back on track in my life, and a little down time before the final crunch is probably a good thing.

I got straight to work when I returned. Everything for paper production was up in the studio, the acrylic panels were taped to any available flat surface that wasn't soaking wet, and I roped a couple of friends into modeling and stripping panels for me this coming weekend. 

As of right now, I do have enough paper made (but I don't want to waste the pulp, so I'll do another couple of runs and exhaust the vat), eight of the panels need one more coat of gel medium, I have to find a vanity for the installation, and then there's the molehill of writing I have left... 

It's not this tidy in real life. 

My business plan is nearly done, and I just punched through the 2,000 word mark on my final report. It's so very hard to focus on writing when it's sunny and warm outside... I'm already in cutoff denim shorts summer mode, and my bike is just outside...


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Photographs are taken by C. unless otherwise stated.