This past week I sanded down and oiled the book covers. It's a fairly easy process: sand down the rough spots and hard edges (if that's what you want), and rub in a couple of coats of tung oil. I chose the oil because I don't have the proper ventilation for varnish. Simple as that. The wood has a beautiful, clear grain and a great shimmer, and oil preserves that wonderfully.
When you're sanding wood, try to go WITH the grain, otherwise you'll get ugly cross-grain marring. I used one sheet of 220 grit paper to sand down all six boards.
The application of the oil is simple: cover your workspace with saran wrap, put on some gloves, and rub a generous amount of oil into the wood with a soft, lint-free cloth. Wipe up any excess oil after ten minutes, and allow to dry 24 hours before the next coat. I hung the boards by string from my shower curtain rod.
I've also started altering a book... The cover of this one was used to make a handsome box, and I was left with the book block. It's like sketching for me: all of those little lines and nicks and holes get my creative juices flowing (and help to steady my hand).
Strips of paper might be pulled through those holes...
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