

Apologies for the lack of updates lately. It's been hectic here, but I have good news! I found a part-time job and I've stumbled upon an amazing new dye!

Take a gander at this:

Oh yes. That stunning pink, purple, and turquoise is from beans! I noticed the water my beans were soaking in was becoming coloured, so I tossed in a few pieces of unmordanted cheesecloth and silk. Some samples were later treated with dish soap, others, with vinegar. I wrapped a sample around my favourite rusty anchor and the colours shifted to grey purples.

Ah, lovely. I'm not sure how colourfast beans are as a dye, but I can't wait to test it! This method uses no heat and the beans are safe to boil and eat since I'm not using a mordant.  


Jackie said...

Oh wow! BEANS! Under the category of "who knew?" Black beans?

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Photographs are taken by C. unless otherwise stated.